- Searching by Enneagram type regardless of wing: just don't enter anything after 'w'. For example, '6w' will give results for both 6w5 and 6w7;
- Searching by Enneagram subtype: enter the instinct and core type without spaces (e.g. sx4);
- Searching by Enneagram fixes: enter the type, a dash, and the word 'fix' (e.g. 5-fix). This will give results for characters who have this type anywhere in their tritype;
- The previous tip can stack! For example, entering '2-fix 7-fix 9-fix' will give results for 972, 729, etc. (Note: the numbers have to be in ascending order! Searching '7-fix 2-fix' will give you no results);
- Searching type combinations: enter any two types in order of Enneagram -> Socionics -> Psychosophy. Also works with tips from above (e.g. 1-fix eie);
- Searching by Psychosophy aspects: enter the position and aspect without spaces (e.g. 1v);
- Searching by a full typological profile: enter all the types in the order they are displayed on this site.