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Introduction part 1 - The beginnings. MBTI


Adding the rest of the necessary features is going to take a while, so I think it's the perfect time to tell about myself and how this site came to be.

Back in 2020, I was introduced to 'that one' 16personalities test by my friend. I got typed as INTJ, which seemed pretty accurate at the time, and the descriptions resonated with me. I am, indeed, a lonely and miserable intellectual snob! As time passed, I learned about cognitive functions and other typology systems, such as the Enneagram. I read the entirety of Wisdom of the Enneagram by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson, and typed myself as 5w4 514 with unknown instincts. I didn't try to go deeper and just left it at that, as my main focus was still MBTI. Also, I'm remembering now that on the first ever Enneagram test I took I got type One, which is pretty funny considering my current typing. Type One did somewhat resonate with me at the time, but for all the wrong reasons.

Going back to MBTI, there was a time when I started questioning my type. I don't remember the exact reason, but I guess I just learned more about myself and cognitive functions and stuff. I thought I used all the Thinking and Intuition functions about equally, while other functions not at all (a bit of a red flag if you ask me). Well, except for Fi, because I was a depressed teen. When it comes to Ni, there was definitely confirmation bias, as I don't remember ever using this function all that much. Frankly, I'm actually rather awful at forecasting future events, especially when it comes to my own actions. And if I can't even predict myself, how can I hope to predict events in the outside world? It is a futile endeavor. And isn't life more interesting if you don't know what things will come your way? That's what I thought at the time as well. Of course, now I know that Ni is many more things than foresight, otherwise it would be biased towards people with more life experience.

And so, in my infinite wisdom, I decided that I must be the type closest to INTJ, which is ENTJ. Due to my mental condition, there is a huge bias towards introversion, so considering an E type was a huge step for me. However, I still leaned closest to the middle in I-E spectrum, which is what people also call ambiversion. I was also reading Carl Jung's Psychological Types around this time, which kinda made my confusion even worse because the way he described Extraversion did not appeal to me at all. However, I admit that it's my fault for looking into the details too much, because the bigger picture of his theory is actually what cleared my confusion after all this time! Still, descriptions were not the only obstacle; I simply did not know myself well enough. When it comes to MBTI, the confusion never got sorted out, and with time I started considering more and more types: ISTP, INTP, ESTP, INFP... There was also ENTP in the back of my mind, but every time it came up, I immediately discarded it because I didn't think I was worthy of such an idealized type in the MBTI community. Besides, I also don't use Fe, like, at all... right? Right?

Part 2